Monday, May 10, 2010

It Never Fails

It never fails. We're usually in bed around 10:00 but if, for some reason, we decide to stay up late (figuring we can sleep in the next day), our phone rings at some God-awful early hour and wakes us up. We figured we would be safe this morning, since we saw all of our kids over the weekend so odds are they wouldn't be calling us. But sure enough at 6:00 a.m. the damn phone rang.

It was our CharmingChildrenTheBook line though, so we got all excited.

Wrong number.

We stayed up until midnight last night watching TV. The newest Jesse Stone adventure (No Remorse). I'm not a huge Tom Selleck fan but I love the character he plays in this series. A police chief with human frailities and emotional scarring, who pulls no punches letting others know who, how and what he is. It's all out there without apology, accessorized with a take-it-or-leave it attitude. It's honest, unlike the old Colmunbo character, which was cutesy and contrived. This show ended oddly, but was obviously a set up for a sequel, therefore is foregivable.

Then we watched Brothers and Sisters. Great show, great casting, great acting, and characters that are fun to analyze. Sally Field IS Nora, and I admire her for allowing herself to show the signs of aging, without chagrin. The gay kissing puts me off a little, but not like 25 years ago when I saw two guys (newly out of the closet) going at it live on New Years Eve. Now same-sex PDA (Public Display of Affection) is becoming more common, and in time I suppose even older folks like moi will think nothing of it.

We also watched Army Wives, which often has a message wrapped in the story line. This one was all about our soldiers and the sacrafices they make in defending our freedom, such as separation from family on special occasions like Mothers Day. I found the Ann Margaret role distracting and unbelievable, but oh well. The actress has gotten quite thick though the middle, which gave me a warped sense of satisfaction. They attempted to camoflage the extra weight with props and camera angles, but that failed to fool me. Maybe I can relate. I didn't spot a double chin though, which is the part I wish I could camoflage on myself. Oh yeah, and the thighs. I mean I think of myself as a quarter (1/4) cowgirl, but I could nicely do without the saddlebags.

This makes me think of a corny little joke. Cowgirl says to a city slicker, "This here is Brandi. She's a Quarter Horse." ""Cool," says the city slicker. "What's the other three-quarters?

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