Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Some of What I Learned in 2010 (So Far)

That no matter how hard you try, you’ll never be able to be in more than one place at a time.

That no matter how careful you are, there will always be someone who takes what you say or do the wrong way.

That expecting life to make sense makes no sense at all.

That something as fleeting as a sigh, a word, glance, a touch, can change your life forever. For better or worse.

That sinking down is easier, faster, and more common than rising up.

That the hardest part of finishing a job is starting it.

That even though animals can’t put words to it, they often know more about loyalty than humans.

That time doesn’t heal all wounds, but you can decide to let an injury stop you in your tracks, or simply slow you down.

That we should never make a promise if keeping it depends on someone else’s behavior.

That letting go is sometimes harder than holding on.

That it’s easier for older people to understand young people than for young people to understand their elders.

That sometimes the fastest way to make someone really angry is to be right.

That if you want a hug from someone sometimes you just gotta give them one.

That having a hero in your life is important, even though all hero worship is largely fantasy.

That love has more to do with what another person needs, than what you have to offer.

That sometimes it helps to clear things up, but sometimes it’s best to let things be blurry. The trick is knowing when to do what.

That fixing something doesn’t always mean it’s going to stay fixed. Sometimes you have to fix it over and over and over again.

That “Knowledge is power” and “Ignorance is bliss” are separate but equal truths.

That certainty is stupidity dressed up in party clothes. Wisdom is never being sure of anything.

That too much of a good thing can be bad, but sometimes too much of a bad thing is pretty good too.

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