Monday, June 21, 2010

My Exciting Story

There's something that happens when I look at my horse and she looks at me. I've had horses before, and it didn't happen when our eyes met. It only happens with Brandi. There are certain pictures of her where I can see it. too. I show the photos to other people and ask, "Can you see it?" They almost always say something like, "Uhh, yeah, maybe." I have polite friends.

I don't know what "it" is, but it's not a visual thing because the same thing happens when I hear certain music. I get lost in certain music, and I mean "lost" in a good way. Maybe I get lost in Brandi's eyes, too.

One of the reasons I'm so happily married to my husband of 34 years is that, after playing tennis on our first date, we went to my place, drank wine coolers, and... listened to music. Till 3:00 a.m. He was the first person in my life to actually listen to my music with me. He got it! Factor in that he looked so much like John Denver he grew a moustache so people would stop telling him so, and poor Frank didn't stand a chance -- the man was mine!

So I'm writing about the "it" that happens rarely, but always in some spectacular way. It's kinda like a spark ignites on some level deep down inside, and you're different because of it. It happens when you least expect it. Like walking out of a social event a year or so back, and being introduced to Jennifer Lind by her husband, who knew my husband. Andrew said, "Jennifer is recording a CD of cowboy songs." Not country/western, he went on to explain. Cowboy. It happened. (She gets it!) Now I adore her.

So after obsessing over her CD when I was finally able to buy one (I actually bought 10 and gave one to the 9 most special people in my life), I eventually came back to my senses and now I only listen to it all the time. I don't know her well enough to say she's an angel, but I can unequivocally say she sings like one!

Now here's where asking you to understand "it" may begin to seem unreasonable of me. After seeing Jennifer perform "live" recently, I of course blogged about it, and sent Jennifer a link. She sent my blog to her mentor -- THE Randy Sparks. (If you don't know who that is, I suggest you find out, you cretin! And if you don't know what a cretin is, you need to find that out also.) Randy Sparks replied to Jennifer, and he sent me a CC. Can you imagine what happened when his name popped up on my list of incoming e-mail? That's right. "It" happened. An OMG electric moment. Randy Sparks!

But wait, there's more. Just in case you don't know this, which is hard for me to fathom, Randy Sparks gave John Denver his start (along with many others). JOHN DENVER!!! Now if you know me personally, you know how I feel about John. I mean there's no way you could understand how I feel about him, (unless you feel the same way, and then only maybe) but you certainly know about it because it's one of those things I never shut up about. So can you imagine my reaction when, in his e-mail, Randy said he was sending my blog to John's uncle, Dave Deutschendorf, who is a member of the New Christy Minstrels (as is Jennifer)? Talk about sparks -- they're now flyin' all over the place and it's not even 4th of July!

How can such a single, simple thing as a name on your monitor be so transforming? It's like I expect people to look at me differently now and say, "Hmmm... there's just something about you..." and I will think but not say, "Well DUH. I just got an e-mail from Randy Sparks!" Okay, okay, I will say it if I get the chance.

So, sorry, I can't explain what "it" is, and if I could, well that would be some kick ass writing. I just know that it is, to toss a little Zen your way. Randy shares "it" through his music, Jennifer projects it, and when John died, he left some of "it" behind for folks like me. Maybe "it" is the glue that holds our hearts together when they've been broken .

Let's be clear here - I am 68 years old and edging close to 69. So I am not a giggling girl in her teens, idolizing some special "packaged" people from afar. They're not performers I "like" - they are... well crap, words fail me. Except for when it comes to John, I can say this. He wasn't just a singer with a cute country way about him. John was Life with a capital L. John... got it. Fortunately some others who get it too, but there will never be another John. Thank God he lives on through his music. And if you don't get that, well, there's still hope. Listen to him sing.

Know how "I SEE you" took on special meaning in the popular movie Avatar? That's the way to HEAR good music.

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